Richard K. Sherwin, New York Law School, has published The Challenge of Legal Chorology: Rethinking Political Theology as NYLS Legal Studies Research Paper No. 4960463. Here
is the abstract. [...]
Richard K. Sherwin, New York Law School, has published The Challenge of Legal Chorology: Rethinking Political Theology as NYLS Legal Studies Research Paper No. 4960463. Here
is the abstract. [...]
Michael Sevel, The University of Sydney Faculty of Law, is publishing The Rule of Law: A Thought Pattern in The Rule of Law in Ancient Rome (Eleanor Cowan, Kit Morrell, Andrew
Pettinger, and Michael Sevel, eds., Oxford University Press, eds, 2025). Here is the abstract. [...]
Emotionale Sprache in Ciceros zweiter Philippika gegen Marc Anton: Einführung in die emotionslinguistische Textanalyse und Kommentar Ken Heuring Emotions in Antiquity
(EmAnt) 4 DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163319-5 [...]
[First posted in AWOL 21 October 2016, updated 15 February 2025] [First posted in AWOL 21 October 2016, updated 15 February 2025] Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios
griegos e indoeuropeos ISSN 1131-9070 ISSN-e 1988-2637 [...]
[First posted in AWOL 27 July 2020, updated 15 February 2025] [First posted in AWOL 27 July 2020, updated 15 February 2025] recensio.antiquitatis recensio.antiquitatis
recensio.antiquitatis [...]
[First posted in AWOL 17 May 2018, updarted 15 February 2025] [First posted in AWOL 17 May 2018, updarted 15 February 2025] Dacia: Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne
ISSN: 0070-251X [...]
[First posted in AWOL 7 January 2018, updated 14 February 2025] [First posted in AWOL 7 January 2018, updated 14 February 2025] The Meters of Roman Comedy Timothy J.
Moore, The Meters of Roman Comedy [...]
[First posted in AWOL 14 April 2023, updated 14 February 2025] [First posted in AWOL 14 April 2023, updated 14 February 2025] Archimède. Archéologie et histoire
ancienne [...]
Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie-Online ISSN: 1860-7462 ISSN: 1860-7462 2024 Veröffentlicht:
2024-01-03 Artikel A manuscript vocabulary of Bangala by Luke Tunnard [...]