Workshop on Cross-border Protection of Cultural Property Agenda 2025.2.28, UTC 8:00 – 12:15 (London Time) 2025.2.28, UTC 8:00 – 12:15 (London Time) 8:00 – 8:05 Opening
Remarks [...]
Workshop on Cross-border Protection of Cultural Property Agenda 2025.2.28, UTC 8:00 – 12:15 (London Time) 2025.2.28, UTC 8:00 – 12:15 (London Time) 8:00 – 8:05 Opening
Remarks [...]
The second issue of 2024 of Giustizia consensuale (published by Editoriale Scientifica) has just been released, and it features: Tommaso dalla Massara (Professor at Università
Roma Tre), Per un’ermeneutica della certezza nel processo civile romano: tra regula iuris e determinazione pecuniaria (For a Hermeneutics of Certainty in the Roman [...]
Benedikt Schmitz (University of Groningen) has shared the following call for participants with us: Quo Vadis Preferential Law Approach? A Survey on the Interpretation of Article
6(2) Rome I Regulation Across EU Member States [...]
We are happy to share the following call for papers by the Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JMLI): The JLMI invites contributions on the subject of “Regulatory Initiatives
on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products”, to explore the legal frameworks, challenges, and opportunities related to ecodesign, with the goal of fostering an in-depth [...]
An impressive Italian monograph of more than 400 pages on jurisdiction in internet cases (‘Il foro dell’obbligazione nata in internet’) has just been published. The author
has kindly provided the following summary: [...]
A new issue of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht is now available and includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law and legal history, legal unification,
private international law, and individual European private law regimes. The full table of content can be accessed here: [...]
I am now back from Munich, after having spent several days conducting research at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law in connection with
my two pending book projects. I also had a very enjoyable time speaking at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität last week on the topic of extraterritorial damages, and [...]
The government will have to pay the software developer only $150,000 for its infringement. The U.S. Navy will be required to pay just over $150,000 in damages for its installation
of virtual reality software on nearly 500,000 computers without authorization, the U.S. [...]
The Centre for Private International Law and Transnational Governance of the University of Aberdeen is pleased to announce that it is now accepting submissions for the 3rd
Postgraduate Law Conference of the Centre for Private International Law which will take place online on 6 June 2025. [...]
With the trend of globalization, legal exchange and cooperation, even competition and conflict between nations have become the norm. The demand for legal services in cross-border
investment, international trade, and transnational dispute resolution is also sharply on the rise. [...]