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Virtual Reading Room

User Information

The Specialised Information Service Law for International and Interdisciplinary Legal Research offers a range of highly specialized digital information resources that are barely available elsewhere in Germany for tenured law professors and their postgraduate research staff at German universities and university-level institutions. This virtual reading room is accessible on-site and off-site for eligible persons upon successful registration.

No separate registration is required for registered users of the individualised direct loan. Please use your user number to access the virtual reading room.

Available Resources

To get to the resource you want, just click on the corresponding link and authenticate with your registration data!




E-book packages


Online bibliographies



Brill Yearbooks of International Law


Journal Packages

Eleven International Publishing Law Journals


Brill Research Perspectives [Archive 2016 - 2020]


National licences

Please note our privacy policy.

Virtueller Lesesaal
– kurz erklärt