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Individualised Direct Loan

User Information

The Specialised Information Service (SIS) for International and Interdisciplinary Legal Research offers tenured professors of universities and colleges in Germany an individualized direct loan service. Eligible persons can borrow specialized academic literature from the stock of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin directly with the SIS at exclusive conditions. Furthermore, registration for this service allows eligible persons access to the Virtual Reading Room. Through the Individualised Direct Loan you will only be delivered titles from all areas of international and interdisciplinary legal research that are not available to you in your institution. To sign up for this service please send an email to leihverkehr-recht@sbb.spk-berlin.de and we will send you the contract form.

New: You can now also set up a direct interlibrary loan account for the Ibero-American Institute (IAI) through us if you need legal literature from the Iberian Peninsula or Latin and South America. Please also contact us in this regard via: leihverkehr-recht@sbb.spk-berlin.de


Missing a title in our stock? You can request a title and we will purchase it for you. Please not that there is a specified profile regarding acquisitions of the Specialised Information Service for International and Interdisciplinary Legal Research.


Registered persons are kindly asked to order the requested title directly via the Stabi or the Discovery-Search.