Die Bundesregierung sieht das Verfahren Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) als Innovation mit vielversprechendem Potenzial im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Um die
bioökonomische Vision eines geschlossenen Kohlenstoffkreislaufsystems, in dem CO2 aus Industrieemissionen eingefangen und wiederverwertet wird zu realisieren, [...]
A Compass of Possibilities—Global Governance and Legal HumanismFronzaEmanuela and GiorgettiChiara (eds), (Bologna University Press, 2023), 84 pp. €14.00. ISBN 9791254772515
La répression par les tribunaux allemands des crimes contre l’humanité et de l’appartenance à une organisation criminelle, en application de la loi no. 10 du Conseil
de Contrôle AlliéMeyrowitzHenri (Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1960) 514 pp [...]
AbstractThe practice of universal jurisdiction (UJ), meaning the prosecutions of international crimes before national courts regardless of where the crimes took place, who
committed the crimes and against whom these crimes were committed, has been facing critique and praise alike. [...]
AbstractThe Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression (GIPA) recently prepared model amendments to the International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute, aimed at aligning
the ICC’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression with its jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. [...]
AbstractDrawing on social psychology, this article raises seemingly counterintuitive questions about international criminal law’s assumptions of human agency in a highly
specific social environment. Is military institution hostile to the ‘normative individualism’ underlying international criminal law? If so, is it fair to demand [...]