International audience ; For a century and a half (1830-1980), working time in France has been constructed as a collective norm, a measure of stability around what might be
called a standard by an anchoring of rules in labour law, and the creation of special inspectors charged with overseeing the implementation of these regulations in [...]
International audience ; La présente contribution examine comment Ronald Dworkin définit le droit comme récit, et de quelle façon le juge doit élaborer une méthode interprétative
conditionnée par des critères normatifs, capables de rendre compte du bien-fondé de ses décisions. [...]
International audience ; This article will study how England's complete subjection of Ireland after the Treaty of Limerick and the imposition of the Penal Laws , and despite
official prohibition, encouraged the setting up of an educational network for the common people known as the Hedge Schools.Such alternative and underground system [...]
International audience ; As the legal system known as Common Law was developing in England, access tojustice via the procedural writ system was abruptly limited by the 1258
Provisionsof Oxford, which denied access to those litigants who could not fit in the existingclaim forms and prevented judges from creating new ones. [...]
International audience ; Due to its past colonial status, Ireland has strived to oppose its national identity to the heritage of British rule as it gradually severed ties with
its former rulers. Nationalism being a political notion, it is normally reflected in the country's institutions, the latter getting their legitimacy by constitutional [...]